
CSR Overview

As a part of the Tata Group, TPNODL keeps the Tata Group's ethos of giving back to the society as one of its prime responsibility. TPNODL has embarked upon its journey to provide reliable and sustainable power supply by taking this legacy of Tata Group for holistic development of underprivileged communities, societies and the nation along, and thus, has initiated Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives since its beginning. TPNODL through its Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives envisages to establish itself as a 'Socially Responsible Corporate' and aims to keep its social approach centric while freezing all its business processes and strategy.

CSR Vision

To create local opportunity, growth and impact in every community especially in Women by adding innovation in existing development programmes through partnership in our operational districts in Odisha.

CSR Mission

To empower communities especially vulnerable sections in our operational areas by providing/ creating avenues of education, skill, knowledge, and employability along with ensuring their well-being through direct and in-direct interventions in partnership with Tata Group, Government & National and International Organizations.

Guiding Principles:

The Company's vision is to enable education and livelihoods in a manner that makes target communities future ready and the areas of operation sustainable.

The key interventions for target communities are focused in the following thematic focus areas:

  • Education (Including Financial & Digital Literacy)
  • Employability & Employment (Skilling for Livelihoods)
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Essential Services (Health Services & Environment)

The Corporate Social Responsibility Committee of TPNODL outlines, reviews and monitors identification of target communities, geographies, thematic focus areas and resource allocation with respect to CSR action plans.